Get Better Grades
13,600 qualified tuition teachers for Languages
PSLE Tuition
Primary School Tuition
Secondary Education Certificate SEC Tuition
GCE A Level Tuition
Secondary School Tuition
Junior College Tuition
Integrated Programme Tuition
International Baccalaureate Tuition
English Tuition
Chinese Tuition
Malay Tuition
Tamil Tuition
Literature Tuition
General Paper Tuition
Lead author: Yvonne Ng, PhD, Applied and Computational Math.
The team at Get Better Grades is determined to help you increase your exam scores, optimize your study methods and schedule, and enhance your learning experience through effective home tuition that uses proven methodology and content.
Our academic team stays vigilantly on the lookout for practical pedagogy that makes learning easy, fun, and productive.
We bring you the best methodologies, with expert tutoring.
Want to achieve improved grades? Send us a message, and our resourceful coordinators will show you profiles of accomplished tutors profiles within 6 hours.

Request now, score higher grades sooner
Primary 1 home tuition
Primary 2 home tuition
Primary 3 home tuition
Primary 4 home tuition
Primary 5 home tuition
Primary 6 home tuition
Gifted Education Programme home tuition
PSLE home tuition
Secondary 1 home tuition
Secondary 2 home tuition
Secondary 3 home tuition
Secondary 4 home tuition
Secondary Education Certificate SEC home tuition
Junior college JC1 home tuition
Junior college JC2 home tuition
Integrated programme IP home tuition
GCE A Level home tuition
International Baccalaureate home tuition
Polytechnic modules home tuition
University modules home tuition
Online tuition
Tuition Agency In Singapore
Hire an attentive home tutor to meticulously sharpen your academic skills.
Thorough academic support, and intense preparation for your exams.
- Receive a list of 4 to 10 profiles of experienced tutors within 6 hours
- Qualified, committed, professional tuition teachers
- Good reviews and comments by parents and students
- Singapore's biggest team of 31,000 private tutors: MOE teachers, graduated/undergraduate tutors with Bachelor's, Master's, or PhD in the subject they teach
Get Better Grades has helped students gain 5 to 30 marks in important exams.
You too can now experience the same success that they had achieved.
Get Better Grades was founded by a group of former MOE teachers and a university lecturer in 2012 because we were concerned about the quality of answers that students were giving for their exams and homework.
Many of these students had tutors either at home or in tuition centres, yet the accuracy of their answers were very worrying.
We therefore established Get Better Grades with the primary objective that because parents are investing their money and students are investing their time, that they should get the high quality of tutoring that is equitable to them.
Since 2012, we have carefully built up a large team of qualified tutors who each have between 2 to over 30+ years of successful experience in helping their students’ grades to improve.
Our tutors have university degrees (or are university undergraduates) in the subject that they teach.

Consistent improvement
Enhance your strengths, reduce your weaknesses
Crucial skills taught by private tutors for Languages from Singapore's best home tuition agency
Understand content from every difficult chapter
Accurate application of concepts
Clear and sequential workings to arrive at the most appropriate answers
Correct interpretations of tricky questions
Easily and effectively memorize theories and terminologyÂ
Precise use of terminology to answer complex exam questions
Using the right formulae and rules
Concise and well-organized arguments
Answering tactics to handle all types of unconventional and unexpected questions
Case study analysis techniques
Meticulous double checking your answers and calculations. Efficient time managementÂ
No more careless mistakes
Singapore’s top tuition agency for Languages: Affordable home tuition rates
Our home tuition rates are constantly updated in real-time, and are based on rates quoted by good home tutors in Singapore. These market rates are derived from 45,000+ monthly tuition assignment applications from our pool of 31,000+ active private tutors
Tutors with 2 to 30+ years of home tuition experience
Tutor Hourly Rates
Master's/PhD/MOE Teachers
Primary School
$30 - $40
$35 - $45
$50 - $70
Secondary School
$30 - $40
$40 - $55
$60 - $90
Junior College
$40 - $60
$60 - $80
$90 - $120
$40 - $60
$60 - 90
$100 - $120
What to expect from tuition for Languages by Singapore's leading tuition agency
Pick your ideal tutor from our database of 13,600+ experienced tutors for Languages
Latest MOE syllabus and newest exam requirements
Proven methods to scoring well for each component of the syllabus for Languages
Committed and expert tutoring to mentor and guide you to steadily and quickly achieve your grade targets. Learn ahead of the syllabus, so that when your school teacher covers it in class, you do not fear the new and unfamiliar content
Real-world applications of concepts that are found within and beyond your textbooks, to help you to write sophisticated answers to unexpectedly difficult questions
Easy methods of remembering large amount of content for Languages
Develop sharp analytical skills during home tuition for Languages. Learn tried and tested essential methods to study, think deeply, and thoroughly revise. Produce concise, relevant and accurate answers
1 to 1 tuition lessons for Languages = devoted focus and attention from your dedicated tutor. Receive a practical customized study schedule tailored to your learning styles and needs
Fun and engaging tuition lessons for Languages that motivate students to learn “boring” concepts
Get clear, step-by-step explanations of concepts for Languages. Master difficult content from every chapter. No more homework frustrations
Tuition teachers for Languages will teach you in the comfort, convenience and safety of your own home
Practice expert techniques for responding to structured and application questions. Gain more marks, faster for school and national exams
Benefits of engaging professional tutors from Singapore's most popular tuition agency for Languages
Just when you have finished preparing for one quiz, there is another coming up in 2 weeks’ time. Every day, new homework assignments and projects are added to a never-ending to-do list.
You can keep up, but just barely. This is stressful, especially when you dread the day when you cannot finish your homework in time because you don’t have the answers to the questions that your teachers asked.
Worse, your classmates – who are in your class because you had previously been achieving similar grades to theirs – are able to get the answers right. Very discouraging.
For many students, keeping up with the fast lesson pace in school is one of the struggles that they face in school. Often, they are forced to move on to the next topic before they can fully understand what has just been taught. With effective home tuition in Singapore, the tutor can run through the content and correct any errors that the students have.
Good tuition teachers from Singapore’s best tutor agency will give you 1 to 1 attention, so that you can ask them how to solve those difficult homework and exam problems. Competent home tuition teachers are familiar with the common misconceptions and mistakes made by students, and can tell you what to avoid.
They already have a Bachelor’s (or are about to get one. Or they might have a Master’s or PhD in the subject that they are teaching you.
As they are experienced in teaching students in your academic level, they can easily and clearly explain to you what you need to know and do in order to gain much higher marks.
Your home tutors would also have materials to share with you – whether they are exam or homework assignments from other schools, or recommendations to buy workbooks that are most suitable for you to practice on, in order to gain mastery of the tricky concepts.
When you hire good tuition teachers, you can get instant clarification in concepts that are difficult to understand.
You can also receive customised lesson plans tailored to suit your unique learning style and understanding of the different topics in the syllabus, so that you may better absorb the content and understand the concepts.
Your good tuition teachers from Singapore’s best tutor agency are very familiar with the latest MOE syllabus and newest exam requirements. They have been teaching for between 2 to over 30 years and can identify the areas that you should focus on, according to your grade targets and pace of learning.
Achieve a good grasp of all your content, revise intensively, and learn important exam skills and answering techniques.
MOE subjects can include content that is challenging for many students. Our 1-to-1 good tuition teachers are experienced in teaching students at your academic level. They are familiar with the common misconceptions and mistakes made by students.
Double-checking your answers is useful only if you know how to look out for the answers that the MOE really wants you to give.
Learn how to accurately analyze the questions, so that you can arrive at the answers that give you maximum marks.
Good tuition teachers from Singapore’s most successful tutor agency are able to show you how concepts are applied when answering difficult exam questions.
You lost interest and became frustrated only because much of the syllabus did not make sense.Â
Once there is clarity and you are able to perform the simple and then the advanced tasks, your sense of achievement will lead you to better grades and even stronger mastery of English, Maths, Chinese, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Principles of Accounting, Social Studies, General Paper, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Mother Tongue, Malay, and Tamil.
Your good tuition teachers will work on your weak areas, and can show you a wide range of question types that you need to be familiar with, in order to score maximum marks. Your private tutor will show you methods to think on your feet so that you can answer a variety of questions based on the content and knowledge you currently know about the subject. Through effective tuition, you can be better prepared for both standard and unconventional questions that appear in the examinations.
With such simulations and intensive revision of the content in the syllabus, students can be sure to perform well in their exams.
Many students fear speaking up during lessons and asking questions due to their fear of being laughed at in class.
1 to 1 good tuition teachers from Singapore’s most established tuition agency will help students to have a better understanding of their lessons in school.
This gives them the confidence of answering questions when faced with unexpectedly challenging problems during school exams and the exams.
Qualified tuition teachers from Singapore’s best tutor agency are experienced and have thorough understanding of the common problems faced by students.
They will be able to dissect difficult content into simpler concepts, and customize learning materials to improve students’ understanding of these topics.
Increase your ability to give the RIGHT answers that your school exams and national exams require of you.
Hire the good tuition teachers, to help you succeed.
Over 100+ new tuition assignments daily
Primary 1 home tuition
Primary 2 home tuition
Primary 3 home tuition
Primary 4 home tuition
Primary 5 home tuition
Primary 6 home tuition
Gifted Education Programme home tuition
PSLE home tuition
Secondary 1 home tuition
Secondary 2 home tuition
Secondary 3 home tuition
Secondary 4 home tuition
Secondary Education Certificate SEC home tuition
Junior college JC1 home tuition
Junior college JC2 home tuition
Integrated programme IP home tuition
GCE A Level home tuition
International Baccalaureate home tuition
Polytechnic modules home tuition
University modules home tuition
Online tuition
Tuition agency in Singapore
31,000+ experienced tutors
MOE teachers
PhD/Master's/Post-doctoral tutors
Graduated/undergraduate dependable tutors
Hire the best tutors for Languages from Singapore's leading tuition agency
Get Better Grades
Improve your grades this semester